Hi Everyone
Just a few quick housekeeping updates for Connect and Collaborate.
‘Did you know?’ group
All Connect & Collaborate users have been added to the ‘Did you know?’ group on the platform. This group is a great place to post information that may not fit into one of the Interagency categories (or may be more broad in nature). Examples of things to post in this group could include
- Job postings
- Grant opportunities
- Government initiatives or policy changes
- Advocacy projects
- High level information relevant to the whole of
the Central Coast
Please take a look at some of the information that’s already been posted for ideas.
Notification preferences
You may have noticed that you are now receiving a “digest” email from Connect & Collaborate once a day (if something is posted) at about 5pm. This email summarises all posts for each group for the day and is now the default setting for the platform. If you would like to alter the frequency of these emails, you can do this via the respective interagency tile when you are logged in to Connect & Collaborate. Emails can either be sent daily, weekly, immediately (when something is posted), or never.
Logging in
We realise that some members of the site may not have logged in for quite some time. If you have forgotten your details, please feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll get your password reset.
Community Council would like to thank you for your support as we navigate through a new way of communicating. The platform has been up and running for almost 12 months and it has given us an opportunity to learn and make tweaks along the way.