2261 Network Meeting

The purpose of the 2261 Network meeting is:

  1. To facilitate the exchange of information and ideas between agencies delivering service to the 2261 Community and surrounding suburbs.
  2. To liaise with Central Coast Community Council and Central Coast Council on issues affecting the 2261 community.
  3. To foster partnerships and collaboration between community organisations, non-government organisations, Local, State and Federal Government agencies and the business sector.
  4. To encourage the sharing of wisdom, new ideas and resources and provide support to workers, especially new workers and services.

Meetings are held 4 times a year at the Entrance Community Centre. Membership is open to all community organisations, non-government and government agencies, the business sector and local community representatives who work and support the 2261 community.

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: TBC
Phone: TBC
Email: TBC


The Central Coast Aboriginal Interagency Network (CCAIN) provides a forum to share information, strategies and programs that empower the Aboriginal community to fully access all available services, programs, facilities and to achieve specific service provision which is culturally appropriate.

CCAIN members comprise of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal government and non-government service providers, workers and community members committed to sharing information to improve access to services and outcomes for the Aboriginal community.

CCAIN aims to;
a) Increase awareness, understanding and accessibility in the local Aboriginal community of programs and services available to them
b) Promote cultural respect and provide information among the community, organisations and service providers to the specific needs of Aboriginal people
c) Actively lobby and advocate as a united network on relevant and important issues to the Aboriginal community
d) Act as a support network for Aboriginal services and workers, both on a formal and informal basis
e) Encourage participation from Aboriginal families, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal workers, and community networks at interagency meetings.

Meeting frequency/location + format

Meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month.

How to contact the interagency
Contact: Corinne Hodson
Email: corinne.hodson@barang.org.au

Aboriginal Employment

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Chris Thew
Phone: 4312 5133
Email: Chris.Thew@barabarang.org.au

Cooperative Legal Service Delivery Partnership

The Cooperative Legal Service Delivery (CLSD) partnership aims to improve outcomes for people facing disadvantage on the NSW Central Coast. The CLSD builds cooperative and strategic partnerships with legal services and community organisations. In 2023, through the CLSD, a free legal advice clinic was set up at RYSS for young people – fortnightly on Wednesdays, 10am- 1pm. More info here.

More information about the CLSD can be found here.

Meeting frequency/location + format

CLSD meetings are held quarterly on Wednesdays from 10am-12pm. Dates for 2024 are: 21 February, 15 May, 14 August and 30 October. Venue TBC. 

Please email clsdprogram@legalaid.nsw.gov.au to be put on the email list.

How to contact the interagency

Contact Name: Kate Halliday
Email: clsdprogram@legalaid.nsw.gov.au

CC Multicultural

The Central Coast Multicultural Interagency (CCMI) reflects the growing interest and concern for the development of the supportive services to address the needs of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) population that lives on the Central Coast.

While it is a forum that advocates for people of CALD background, it is a non political forum but it has been a catalyst for many services that we now see in our part of NSW.

Meeting frequency/location + format

The CCMI meets bi monthly on the first Thursday of the month at 2pm – 4pm. The first general meeting commences on the first Thursday in February. 

All services or community representatives are welcome to attend.

How to contact the interagency

For all enquiries regarding the CCMI please contact Mosaic Multicultural Connections Central Coast office

Contact Name: Natalia Meliendrez 
Phone: 4334 3877
Email: n.meliendrez@mosaicmc.org.au

Early Years & Families

The Family & Early Years Interagency aims to:

  • Advocate community views on families and children from Birth – 5 years and provide advice on how best to inform community on family & children’s issues
  • Clarify and promote referral pathways
  • Provide strategic advice to the Department of Communities and Justice in reference to the Central Coast
  • Provide networking and resource sharing.

The Interagency guidelines can be found here.

Meetings are held quarterly (online or face to face) on Wednesdays from 9:30am – 11:30am. 

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Leonie Hanna
Phone: 0477 251 877
Email: cec@thecccc.org.au

Central Coast Young Parents

The Young Parent Interagency meets quarterly to discuss and share current information, services and advice relating to young parents on the Central Coast.

Meeting frequency/location + format

Time: 2pm – 4pm

Day: Tuesdays

Frequency: Quarterly with meeting dates confirmed throughout the year
Location: Phillip House at Kariong

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Nicole Fiatarone
Phone: 4353 1585
Email: nicole@ccfss.com.au


The Disability Interagency has a different theme each meeting with the topics relating too services and information relative to the disability sector.

Guest speakers are encouraged and appreciated, as it is a great opportunity to get valuable information out.

There is also an opportunity for networking in the refreshment break.

An agenda is sent out prior to the meeting.

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Scott Jones
Phone: 0434 312 536
Email: scott.jones@socialfutures.org.au 


Community services, activities and organisations that are North of Wyong come together for a bi-monthly meeting to network, promote events and learn from each other.

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Amanda Mills
Phone: 4394 2500
Email: amanda.mills@benevolent.org.au

Rainbow Inclusion Network

The Rainbow Inclusion Network Central Coast aims:

1. To address gaps in the region of inclusive, accessible care and social inclusion for LGBTIQ people from across all populations, backgrounds and circumstances. This aims to support a reduction in stigma and discrimination.
2. To adopt an alliance strategy that will provide a forum for service-providers that does not usurp the role of a body properly constituted from the community (or parts thereof) to advocate and activate on its own behalf.
3. To support unifying program/activity planning and development from the various service-providers to create partnership opportunities to mutually amplify various outputs and/or outcomes. Therefore, to achieve for broader inclusive service provision and improved health outcomes for the LGBTIQ populations.
4. As a separate body representing the unified will of the contributing service-providers opportunity for advocacy, health promotion and prevention can be realised.

Meeting frequency/location + format

Meetings are held 4 times per year at varying locations on the Central Coast

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Jason van Ritten from NSW Health
Email: HunterOutreach@acon.org.au

Domestic Violence Committee

The Central Coast Domestic Violence Committee aims to prevent, reduce and eliminate domestic and family violence on the Central Coast through education, awareness, advocacy and community engagement. The committee recognises that taking positive steps towards breaking the cycle of domestic and family violence is a whole of community responsibility, requiring on-going education and activities that challenge attitudes and behaviours which maintain and/or support violence within our community. The committee further recognises that primary prevention strategies are key in ending family violence and are committed to building strong community partnerships, particularly with local schools, in order to address this need. First and foremost, this committee advocates for the rights of women and children to live free from violence, shame and blame.

The Domestic Violence Committee meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 2-4pm.

Visit ccdvc.org.au for more information about the interagency.

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Nicole Harvey
Email: centralcoastdvc@gmail.com


Central Coast Youth Interagency (CCYI) is made up of youth and community services as well as education providers and other Government departments that work with and provide services to young people in the Central Coast Local Government Area NSW. The interagency is convened by Community Council Central Coast.

The purpose of this network is to;

  • Work together to improve outcomes for young people;
  • Provide opportunities to develop partnerships;
  • Encourage the improvement of service provision, networking, cooperation, coordination and integration of youth projects;
  • Identify issues for young people on the Central Coast;
  • Identify and respond to needs and issues of service providers;
  • Advocate and lobby for issues identified by the interagency;
  • Work together on specific projects that help improve the lives of young people;
  • Provide a forum for educational guest speakers;
  • Provide a forum for information sharing and distribution;
  • Support professional development through sector development and best practice.
  • Provide access to agendas and minutes, utilise the calendar and source contact details for relevant organisations.

Meeting frequency/location + format

The Central Coast Youth Interagency meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month bi monthly. The majority of meetings are held face to face in various partner locations across the Central Coast. Please email cec@thecccc.org.au if you’d like to be sent a meeting invitation.

The meeting is open to all organisations and persons with an interest in the wellbeing of young people in the Central Coast LGA. We are always looking for guest speakers to share youth related information with the group. Please contact Community Council Central Coast if you’d like to present at an upcoming meeting.

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Leonie Hanna
Phone: 0477 251 877
Email: cec@thecccc.org.au

Homelessness Services

The Central Coast Homelessness Interagency links and connects homeless services on the Central Coast. We want to reduce homelessness and provide a UNITED voice with and on behalf of the homeless.

Meeting frequency/location + format

The Homelessness Interagency meets bi-monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. The meeting runs from 9:30am – 11:30am. Meeting venues vary; however meetings are currently being held at Berkeley Vale Neighbourhood Centre.

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Jade Brown
Phone: 4355 8900
Email: cchi@uniting.org

Men’s Community of Practice

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Aaron Barrington
Email: aaron-b@coastshelter.org.au

Mental Health

The primary role of the Mental Health Interagency is to support service providers, organisations and professionals from various disciplines, who work with mental illness. In addition, The Mental Health Interagency provides information to service providers about appropriate referral pathways and new services on the Central Coast.

Meeting frequency/location + format

Bi Monthly meetings – 3rd Thursday of the month

How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Renee Daley
Phone: 4365 2944 Mobile: 0432 238 751
Email: mhinteragency@ccpc.com.au


The Peninsula Interagency, re-established in June 2023, brings together people with broad and diverse knowledge and experience of issues relating to the geographical area known as the Peninsula on the NSW Central Coast. It serves as an important contact point for organisations servicing/providing support for those who reside on the Peninsula.

The purpose of The Peninsula Interagency is to provide a supportive and informative network that enables services to share information, best practices and new programs and initiatives that are delivered within The Peninsula area. 

The scope of The Peninsula Interagency is limited to networking and information sharing amongst group members who operate in, or service those who reside on The Peninsula.

The objectives of The Peninsula Interagency are:

  • Clarify and promote referral pathways 
  • Provide networking and resource sharing

 Meeting frequency/location + format

The Peninsula Interagency will meet quarterly for approximately two hours at a location within the Peninsula. Meetings may also be held online via Zoom. 

 How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Leonie Hanna
Phone: 0477 251 877
Email: cec@thecccc.org.au


How to contact the interagency
Contact Name: Penny Newson
Phone: 0425 277 518
Email: rdo@thecccc.org.au

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