Our Story
The Central Coast Community Council (CCCC) has been supporting community service organisations since 1993 as a regional organisation to disseminate information and co-ordinate area responses for service providers/groups on the Central Coast.
Woodport Retirement Village was the location where the Central Coast community, represented by community groups as well as Local, State and Federal government departments, decided that there was a need for a regional body and that it would be given the name of Central Coast Community Council.
On 21 December 1994 the CCCC became an incorporated body. The first funding received was $10,000 through NCOSS in May 1994 which allowed us to employ a worker for 10 hours per week to provide support to the working party.
The New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) and the CCCC are parties to an Agreement for Funding for Services – Program – Targeted Early Intervention. The program scope includes Education and Skills Training, Activities, Information/ Advice/ Referral and Community Sector Coordination.
Our Programs and Initiatives
During 2020-21 the Central Coast Community Council (CCCC) commenced the first year of the Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) Program funded by the Department of Communities and Justice.
The TEI Program is focused on providing early help and support to children, young people, families and communities within NSW who are experiencing, or at risk of vulnerability. The objective of the TEI program is to provide targeted services at the point where they can have the most impact, and deliver the best investment for communities and government.
The TEI Program has been extended to 30 June 2025.
The CCCC facilitates and is engaged with Interagency meetings and forums. The Youth, Birth to Five Years, Central Coast Young Parents and Family Interagencies are led and nurtured by the CCCC.
Interagencies are important sources of sharing information and developing professional networks. Collaboration within interagency meetings is “the process of agencies joining together for the purpose of interdependent problem solving that focuses on improving services to our local community …collaboration occurs when people from different organisations produce something through joint effort, resources and decision making, and share ownership of the final product or service.”
We work to promote inclusion, adequacy and equity in the delivery of services to disadvantaged communities on the Central Coast.
We have a highly skilled team whose talents encompass enterprise, governance, social inclusion, human resources, marketing and vast experience working with Government at local, state and federal levels.