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Safe from the Start is a one-day training program PLUS resource tool kit that uses a best practice model to engage with children who have witnessed family and domestic violence.  Using ‘activity based play’, the project aims to encourage workers and care-givers to listen to the voices of children who may feel scared or sad about what they have seen.

The project has won a number of national awards , with over 2000 family violence, child protection workers, counsellors, teachers, police, foster carers, family and children’s services workers attending training in all Australian states, New Zealand and the UK.    

The Safe from the Start training program is backed by findings on the effects of family and domestic violence on children including:

 ·   research findings on the incidence and impact on children who have witnessed/experienced family or domestic violence.

·   impact of trauma on the brain development of children, how to use activity-based-play utilising the Resource Tool Kit.

The program has demonstrated a strong impact on the community to date as it has been rolled out targeting childcare worker, school counsellors, school family liaison officers and Aboriginal Liaison officers that previously have had little to no training in identifying trauma resulting from domestic and family violence in children, The program has a focus on children in the 0 to 5 year age bracket. Childcare centres and schools are becoming pivotal in intervening early by connecting specialised support to children and their families before the crises occurs.

The training will ensure that ‘no child is left behind’ while linking families with relevant specialist services before a crisis and supporting the staff that care for the children to ensure ongoing nurturing care in tumultuous circumstances.

Your donation means that workers can receive training and then continue throughout their career to use the strategies learned to help support hundreds of children on the Central Coast.

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Financial Sponsorship

Financial sponsorships / donations are always welcome – no matter how large or small. Some examples of how your donation could make a difference include sponsoring a training event for community sector workers on a particular issue, sponsoring an event such as a forum, sponsoring an award for at the Annual CCCC Recognition Awards.

If you (or your business) are keen to discuss tax deductible sponsorship opportunities, please give us a call. 

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Donate time and energy

We understand that not everyone is in a position to donate money – but you may be in a position to donate your time, skills and energy!


If you’d like to get involved in supporting a cause close to your heart on the Central Coast (E.g. domestic violence support, youth services, Aboriginal  services, multicultural support, plus many more), please give us a call. We can discuss opportunities aligned to your interest and skills. 

Donate your resources

If you have resources that you’re willing to donate or allow us to use (E.g. a venue for a meeting, printing, IT resources, etc.), please let us know.


As a not for profit, we have limited resources available and are always extremely grateful for any resources you may be able to provide.

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