• How Central Coast Council celebrated International Day of People with Disability.

      Collaboratively improving accessibility and creating an inclusive community on the Central Coast

      Central Coast Council celebrated International Day of People with Disability on 3 December raising local awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by people with a disability to help create a more accessible and inclusive region.

      Recently, Council collaborated with local pottery school Centered Ceramics, that offered people with disabilities the opportunity to learn pottery and ceramics in a mainstream commercial studio, and then exhibit their work in a public gallery.

      The local business learned how to make their premises and programs more accessible to attract customers with different access needs. Some of these adjustments included portable ramps and a modified tabletop pottery wheel. A video was developed so our community can hear from the local business owner and some of the participants of the program about their experience.

      Council Director Community and Recreation Services, Melanie Smith said there are many ways that barriers can be removed, which make a huge difference in the lives of people with disability. “Council has been working closely with people with disability, the sector and advocacy groups to improve accessibility and create an inclusive Central Coast community, where everyone can participate,”

      “Our Disability and Inclusion Acton Plan (DIAP) – which was guided by our community with input from our Access and Inclusion Reference Group – has set actions so people with disabilities can better access our services, facilities and open spaces. Staff continue to deliver actions from our DIAP with positive outcomes achieved for both locals and visitors to our region.”

      Read about some of the progress made in the Central Coast Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2021-2025 Highlights Report.

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