Yesterday saw some significant announcements from the Premier in relation to DFV.
Please see below response from Hannah Tonkin, NSW Women’s Safety Commissioner and related articles:
Yesterday the NSW Government announced a number of legislative reforms that seek to increase protections for victim-survivors of domestic and family violence. The proposed legislative amendments cover the following:
– Revising the definition of “stalking” to explicitly include monitoring a person’s movements, communications or activities, including by technology. This ensures coverage of conduct such as the use of GPS trackers or the monitoring of a person’s online accounts.
– Introducing two new aggravated offences for breaching an apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO): (i) intentional breach, where a person breaches an ADVO with the intent to cause harm or fear, or knowledge that such fear or harm is likely; and (ii) persistent breach, where a person breaches an ADVO three or more times in a 28 day period.
– Introducing Serious Domestic Abuse Prevention Orders to manage very high-risk offenders, based on Serious Crime Prevention Orders that are used to respond to organised crime.
– Making it easier and safer for a sole parent to change a child’s name, if they have a relevant family law order.The legislation will be introduced to State Parliament later this month.