• “R U OK? started as a National Day of Action, but it’s grown into a conversation movement.”

      – Katherine Newton – CEO, R U OK?

      Today, 12 September 2024, is R U OK?Day. But life happens every day, so R U OK? are calling on people across Australia to ask R U OK? Any Day.

      Join a virtual event at 12pm (AEST) today

      Learn about the 4 steps of an R U OK? conversation and hear from our Community Ambassadors about the importance of asking R U OK? Any Day.

      Tune in live at 12pm (AEST) today via any of the following platforms:

      · Vimeo (Auslan translation available here)

      · LinkedIn

      · Facebook

      Add to calendar: AppleGoogleOffice 365Outlook webOutlookYahoo

      This event is pre-recorded. If you are unable to join us at this time, or you are organising an event for a different time, the video is available for early download here.

      Thousands of community groups, workplaces, schools, suicide prevention networks, and sports clubs across the nation, from the Top End to Tasmania, are coming together to champion the ‘Ask R U OK? Any Day’ message and encourage meaningful conversations throughout the year.

      They love to see your R U OK? activities, so if you’re posting on social media please tag them (@ruokanyday) and use the hashtag #RUOKAnyDay.

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