• National Carers Week Grants 2024 are now open!

      Dear all,

      Applications for National Carers Week Grants are now open!

      What are National Carers Week Grants?

      Each year, Carers NSW administers the National Carers Week Grants program thanks to ongoing funding from the NSW Government’s Department of Communities and Justice.

      These grants provide carer support groups and organisations from across New South Wales with the opportunity to apply for grants to celebrate and recognise the contribution of family and friend carers in their local community. Excitingly, this year’s grants have been increased to $500.

      These events and activities form part of our state-wide celebration of National Carers Week, which will be held from 13-19 October 2024.

      What kind of events can carer support groups and organisations hold?

      Carers NSW will be encouraging community groups and organisations to ensure their proposed event or activity provides a meaningful experience for those involved. This could be through purchasing tickets for the theatre, a movie, or a music or cultural event. It could be by attending a tour or day trip, or having a facilitator hold a workshop for carers. Or perhaps providing a connection opportunity through organising a morning tea, luncheon, afternoon tea or dinner at a local restaurant.

      Carers NSW encourages grant applications from groups or organisations who directly support specific carer groups, including groups supporting young carers, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) carers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers, and LGBTQI+ carers.

      Grants must follow the application advice outlined, including thoroughly reviewing the frequently asked questions document prior to applying.

      How can you help?

      We appreciate your support to reach as many carers as possible, so please share the link for the flyer to any relevant carer support groups or organisations in your network.

      Link to the flyer is here.

      We have also included a link for the stakeholder kit that you may wish to distribute, which includes links to download:

      · Suggested wording for social media, email and web

      · Social media tiles

      · Web and email banners

      · Alternative flyers

      · Factsheet

      Stakeholder kit can be found here.

      We will continue to promote this information across our social media, newsletters, and other communication channels.

      When do applications close?

      Please note that grants are limited. Applications will close at 5.00pm on Monday, 24 June 2024.

      For more details, visit: https://www.carersnsw.org.au/training-events/national-carers-week/grants-to-celebrate-national-carers-week

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